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The Signs Of ADHD In Younger Children

12 July 2024

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can interfere with the functioning or development of children. In this article, we outline how ADHD presents in younger children.

Attention Difficulties

A short attention span is a common sign of ADHD in young children. They may have trouble paying attention during activities, such as playing with toys or listening to stories, and can become easily distracted.


Younger children with ADHD may have more energy than their peers. They might run around excessively, even in situations where it's not appropriate, or have difficulty staying seated during structured activities like meals or circle time.


They may act impulsively without thinking about consequences. For example, they might grab toys from other children without asking or interrupting others during conversations or games.

Social Challenges

Children might find it hard to play cooperatively with others due to their impulsivity or difficulty following social rules. They may struggle with taking turns or sharing toys.

Behavioural Issues

They may exhibit challenging behaviours such as temper tantrums, oppositional behaviour, or difficulty following directions from adults.

Academic Concerns

In preschool or kindergarten, signs of ADHD may manifest as trouble following instructions, difficulty completing tasks, or inconsistent participation in classroom activities.

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