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The Signs Of ADHD In Older Children

12 July 2024

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can interfere with the functioning or development of children. In this article, we outline how ADHD presents in older children.


Difficulty sustaining attention on tasks that require concentration, such as homework or classroom activities. Often makes careless mistakes and fails to complete schoolwork or chores.


While hyperactivity may be less pronounced than in younger children, they may still appear restless or fidgety, especially in situations requiring sustained focus.


Acts without thinking about consequences, leading to interrupting others, blurting out answers, or engaging in risky behaviours.

Organisation and Time Management

Struggles with organising tasks, materials, and activities, often leading to messy workspaces, missed deadlines, and leaving tasks incomplete. Difficulty managing time effectively and planning ahead.

Academic Challenges

Inconsistent academic performance despite having the ability to do well and difficulty with tasks that require sustained mental effort or problem-solving skills.

Social Difficulties

Trouble maintaining friendships due to impulsive behaviour, difficulty taking turns, or not understanding social cues, resulting in them being perceived as disruptive or having trouble fitting in with peers.

Emotional Regulation

May experience frequent mood swings or emotional outbursts, especially when frustrated or overwhelmed.

Executive Functioning

Challenges with executive functions such as planning, organization, and self-regulation, which can impact daily activities and school performance.

Behavioural Challenges

Exhibits behaviours such as defiance, arguing with adults, or refusing to comply with rules or requests.

Low Self-Esteem

Often feels frustrated or discouraged due to academic difficulties or social challenges and struggle with feelings of inadequate or being misunderstood by peers and adults.

Irregular Sleeping Pattern

Often struggle to fall asleep, and can easily sleep in late and find it challenging to wake up on time.

Understanding ADHD Support Pack

For more ADHD advice and support, download our ADHD Support Pack

ADHD Support Pack

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