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Supporting SENCOs: Working With Your Local Authority

25 February 2025

In this article, Colette Longden, National Trainer ADHD Foundation shares five key strategies to enhance the collaborative relationship between school SENCOs and Local Authorities.

As the SENCO, working effectively with local authorities is essential for achieving the best outcomes for pupils with Special Educational Needs. As a teacher, I have witnessed great partnerships with real success. I’ve also come across challenges between schools and local authorities which created undue stress, time and workload for all involved. Mastering and establishing positive partnerships with your Local Authority is a game-changer and will significantly impact the quality of support provided to SEN pupils and their families.

Establish a single point of contact

Designate a dedicated person or lead within your school who maintains consistent communication with local authority services. Find your key person within the local authority. Make time to develop this relationship and make that partnership positive. Timetable in regular catch ups in their preferred way of communication. Contact your key person to share successes not just the challenges. 

A regular phone-call, coffee meet-up or email catch up can make a huge difference to this relationship. Be the school that’s known as friendly, organised, positive and solution focused rather than having the reputation in the LA as “the school that calls when things go wrong”.

Why not be “The school that calls when things go right”

Document everything

Maintain meticulous records of all interactions, agreements, and interventions related to SEN pupils. It happens; a crucial EHCP application is mysteriously "lost”, or a promised service hasn't been delivered. It’s when things go wrong (and they can) that your records become your best ally. Make sure you track communication timelines, service requests, and outcomes. When approaching local authorities for support, provide comprehensive evidence of needs and previous interventions, using their preferred formats and referral pathways. This systematic approach demonstrates professional diligence and creates a clear audit trail that can expedite decision-making processes. Remember what gets measured, gets done.

Understand funding mechanisms and statutory processes

Develop thorough knowledge of local authority funding arrangements, threshold criteria for services, and statutory assessment timelines. Familiarise yourself with the local offer and entitlements for SEN pupils in your area. This understanding allows you to make appropriate referrals, set realistic expectations with parents, and navigate bureaucratic processes more efficiently. Attend every training session offered, build relationships with SEN officers who can support you. When you understand exactly how decisions are made, you can present your cases in ways that tick all the right boxes for approval.

Co-create solutions through multi-agency meetings

Stop thinking of local authority professionals as gatekeepers and start seeing them as partners with valuable expertise. Invite them to solution-focused meetings where everyone contributes ideas, rather than just presenting problems. These collaborative forums should focus on developing proactive strategies, sharing expertise, and jointly problem-solving complex cases. 

Build parent partnerships with local authority engagement

Parents of SEN children often feel overwhelmed by complex processes and professional jargon. Become their guide and translator of SEN Jargon. Create parent-friendly versions of local procedures, host informal coffee mornings with local authority representatives, and connect families experiencing similar challenges. When appropriate, connect parents with independent support services such as SEND Information, Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS). Strong parent partnerships enhance accountability across all stakeholders and ensure that the child remains at the centre of decision-making processes.

Remember, behind every local authority email and phone call is a person trying their best within a system that has its own pressures and limitations. With persistence and a collaborative spirit, you'll build partnerships that truly deliver for your SEN pupils.

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