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Understanding Autism, OCD and ADHD - Advice for Parents & Carers

SEN Support: Questions To Ask The Experts

14 December 2023

You will speak with many experts as you get the right support for your child. Whether you’re securing an EHCP, pursuing a diagnosis, or have recently observed some early developmental differences, this guide provides a list of questions to ask the experts.

1. Questions for a medical professional: health visitor, GP, paediatrician, speech & language therapist, occupational therapist, education psychologist, CAMHS


  • I’m worried about the development/well-being of my child. I think they may need extra support. 
  • How do I know if my child’s development/behaviour is ‘normal’?
  • How do I know if my child has a ‘special educational need’?
  • Does my child need to be assessed? What assessments are available? How do I access them? How long does it take? Can I get them done privately? What do I do once I’ve got the reports back? 
  • What do I do next to support my child?
  • How do we, as a family, meet their needs at home?
  • My child has high levels of anxiety. How long do I have to wait for a CAMHS referral?


2. Questions for your child's education provider: nursery workers, teachers, teaching assistants, learning support assistants, SENCO or SENDCO, extra-curricular such as sports coach, dance instructor


  • Is my child meeting their targets? 
  • Are they making similar progress to their peers?
  • Are they meeting age-related expectations?
  • Do they have friends? Can they form relationships?
  • How do they respond to instructions?
  • What extra support do they need? When will that be put in place?
  • My child's been put on the SEN register. What does that mean?
  • The school have put support in place, but my child is still not making progress. What happens next?
  • My SENCO is talking about an EHC assessment – what does that mean?
  • My SENCO says there’s no point applying for an EHCP, but I disagree. Can I apply myself, or does it have to go through a school?
  • I’ve been advised to consider moving my child to a special school. Where do I find information about potential schools in my area?
  • What’s a maintained school?
  • My child has coped well in a mainstream primary school, but I’m really worried about the transition to secondary school. What can I do?


3. Questions for your local authority*: SENDIASS team, EHCP coordinator, SEND case worker, SEND case manager, Director of Children’s Services (*terminology differs between local authorities)


  • How do I apply for an EHCP?
  • What does the process involve?
  • What’s my role in the process?
  • How long does it take?
  • What does local offer mean?
  • Can I look at schools outside of my local authority?
  • What happens if I disagree with information in the EHCP?
  • What do I do if I disagree with the school named in the EHCP and I want my child to go to a different school?
  • Does the school have to accept my child once they’ve been sent the EHCP?
  • Despite my appeals, the local authority has named a school on the EHCP that I feel can’t meet my child’s needs. Can I challenge the decision?
  • My child’s needs have changed. How do I get the EHCP amended to reflect those changes?
  • Does an EHCP get reviewed? How often? By whom? Who’s responsible for organising a review? 


4. Questions for other professionals: social worker, case worker, key worker, early help/early intervention, multi-agency team, children’s services


  • Is there additional help/support available that best meets the needs of my family? How do I access it?
  • Can we access support for other family members?
  • My child often has meltdowns once they get home from school, and their siblings struggle to cope. How do I manage this?
  • How do we cope with a child who lashes out when dysregulated?
  • I’m really worried about how vulnerable my child is and that someone may take advantage of this. Where do I go for help with keeping them safe?
  • Is residential care an option? 

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