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Recognising ADHD In Girls

12 July 2024

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can interfere with the functioning or development of children. In this article, we outline how to recognise the signs of ADHD in girls.


  • Difficulty sustaining attention on tasks, especially those that are not highly stimulating.
  • Makes careless mistakes in schoolwork despite understanding the material.


  • Struggles to keep track of schoolwork, assignments, and personal belongings.
  • Has messy and unorganized workspaces, despite efforts to tidy up.


  • Frequently forgets daily routines, chores, or obligations.
  • Loses or misplaces items needed for daily activities, such as school supplies or personal belongings.

Difficulty Following Instructions

  • Appears not to listen when spoken to directly, requiring instructions to be repeated.
  • Has trouble following through on tasks or assignments, often starting projects but not completing them.


  • Delays starting tasks or assignments until the last minute, despite understanding the consequences.
  • Struggles to initiate tasks or activities, feeling overwhelmed by even simple tasks.

Hyperactivity (often internalised)

  • While not always outwardly hyperactive, may feel restless or constantly on the move internally.
  • Talks excessively, especially when excited or nervous.


  • Acts without thinking, blurting out answers or interrupting others during conversations or activities.
  • Engages in risky behaviours without considering potential consequences.

Emotional Sensitivity

  • Experiences intense emotions, such as frequent mood swings or emotional outbursts.
  • Easily becomes overwhelmed or frustrated in challenging situations.

Social Difficulties

  • Struggles to maintain friendships due to impulsivity, emotional sensitivity, or difficulty understanding social cues.
  • May feel isolated or misunderstood by peers, impacting self-esteem.

Low Self-Esteem

  • Often feels criticized or inadequate, particularly in academic or social settings.
  • Internalizes feelings of failure despite efforts to succeed academically or socially.

Understanding ADHD Support Pack

For more ADHD advice and support, download our ADHD Support Pack

ADHD Support Pack

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