Preparing For The First Week Back To School
The transition from summer holidays to school can be difficult for many children. In this article, we explore some helpful tips to help settle back into the school routine.

Give your child responsibility
Designate a spot for your child to place their school belongings as well as a place to put important notices and information sent home for you to see. Explain that emptying their school bag each evening is part of their responsibility, even for young children.
Make time for breakfast
Breakfast can be a great start to the day. Eating breakfast before school can boost energy and help your child to focus. However, avoid sugary cereals and snacks.
The first week
Where possible, keep your own activities to a minimum. Try to postpone trips or meetings so that you are available to help your child ease back into the school routine.
Communicate with the school
Let the teachers know that you are interested in getting regular feedback on how and what your child is doing in school. Try to attend any review meetings during the year and introduce yourself to the teachers. Find out how they like to communicate with parents (e.g. through notes, email, or phone calls).
Familiarise yourself with the other school professionals
Find out who it is in the school who can be a help to you and your child. Learn their roles and how best to access their help, if you need them. This can include the Head Teacher and office staff, school psychologist, speech and language therapist, counsellor or mental health practitioner and occupational therapist.
Keep positive
If the first few days are challenging, try not to overreact. Many children experience difficulties in the early days of return to school but they will generally adjust over time. Listen to your child, reassure them and keep in close contact with the school.
Back to School SEN Support Pack
For more advice and tips on getting back into the school routine after the holidays, download our Back to School Support Pack.