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24-hour Referral Line: 0800 304 7244
24-hour Referral Line: 0800 304 7244
Bridgeway School

Parents and carers

We want to support you and your family during your child’s time with us by keeping in close and regular contact throughout the school year.

Events and support for parents

As a parent or carer at our school we are able to offer you access to a wide range of advice and support. From events to podcasts and everything else inbetween we are constantly adding to the resources on offer.

Advice and Support east

Term dates

View our school calendar to see key term dates for this year

School Term Dates

Ofsted report

We strive to achieve an exceptional teaching and learning environment where our pupils are able to achieve their personalised goals.

Read the full Ofsted report here east

Bridgeway School provides a highly nurturing environment where there is exceptional care and guidance. This helps pupils to conquer their challenges and difficulties. They re-engage in education to become eager learners.

Ofsted, Bridgeway School

Pupils’ personal development lies at the heart of this school. Leaders make exceptional use of the excellent facilities in the school grounds as they develop pupils’ social skills. Adventurous experiences, including the Duke of Edinburgh
Award, are frequent.

Ofsted, Bridgeway School

Teachers make learning interesting and challenging. While pupils often live up to teachers’ high expectations, help is always on hand to guide and reassure pupils if they get stuck or find the going tough. As a result, pupils frequently achieve well and are ready to access the next stage of their education

Ofsted, Bridgeway School

Ensuring that pupils are fluent and confident readers is a school priority. Pupils regularly read in form time. Staff frequently read books with their classes to widen pupils' experiences of literature. These books are carefully chosen to promote pupils' understanding of social topics, such as racism or equality.

Ofsted, Bridgeway School

Parent feedback

We always encourage feedback from parents and carers, either via direct communication with us or at annual reviews. You can also share your thoughts through Parent View by clicking the button below.

Give Ofsted your view

Staying safe online and safeguarding resource hub

It’s never been more important to help keep your children safe online.

The Government has suggested that the Parent Info website is the best place to gain advice and support regarding this issue.

Click here to visit Parent zone

A free hub of safeguarding resources to empower children, young people and all adults supporting them.

Click here to visit the Safeguarding Resourcing Hub