Welcome to The Gables Children's Home
- 7-17 yrs
- 52 Week
- Boys & Girls
- Good Provider
Welcome from Home Manager
Our home is located in rural Shropshire, the perfect backdrop for young people to be part of a community and feel safe to grow and become resilient and conscientious members of society.
The staff team is made up of individuals with experience and expertise who provide each young person with guidance and present opportunities to broaden their ambitions and ultimately dream big.
We promote a range of activities both inside and outside the home. Inside, young people are supported to take part in baking, board games, and arts and crafts. They can also access a range of toys and games, including our house computer and a games console. Outside, young people can participate in a wide range of activities, including gymnastics, swimming, ice skating, bowling, country walks, horse riding, and the chance to explore skate parks and bike tracks.
Developing independence is a priority for us, and we start by encouraging our young people to be involved in daily chores, from cooking to tidying up, which eventually leads them to engage in our independence programme, where they get involved in age-appropriate tasks.
At The Gables, we celebrate milestones and come together to mark celebratory events often to create a homely environment that each young person deserves to experience.
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Take a tour
Our unique home environment is the perfect backdrop for young people to feel safe and reach their potential.
Watch the video to explore the home and all that is has to offer.
Our children's homes at a glance
- All children’s homes have high staff ratios which allow for the provision of highly personalised programmes for all young people. At night time there is a waking night staff and a member of staff sleeping-in.
- High quality home environment with every young person having a bedroom with ensuite facilities.
- As required, young people have the support of our speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, educational psychologists and psychiatrists.
- Highest level of safeguarding implemented in every home and supported by Witherslack Group central safeguarding support staff.
- Each home is supported by Witherslack Group’s Clinical Team who provide a combination of direct targeted interventions with young people, staff support and training, and attendance at statutory reviews.
- An education champion present in each children’s home to facilitate strong coordination between school and home.

Our care
For children who require 52 week care, we are proud to be able to provide them with a home environment that will give them the stability, support and encouragement they need. We offer an integrated package of high quality 52 week residential care and education, in conjunction with our schools, that consistently allows children to realise their potential, both academically and socially.
Each children’s home provides a superior group living experience within a welcoming and warm domestic setting. Young people have their own en-suite rooms and all homes are furnished and equipped to the highest of standards.
Our passionate, experienced and skilled staff team support each young person to develop their social and independence skills, which allows them to consistently achieve and develop. Additional support is available, as required, from our comprehensive team of therapeutic professionals.
All young people are supported in maintaining contact with parents/carers, family, friends and other significant people in their lives. The nature of this contact is determined by the young person’s Placement Plan and is agreed with the placing authority. We are able to negotiate additional support on an individual basis if required; for example, by facilitating attendance at meetings and providing supported travel.
Young people are actively encouraged and supported to participate in a range of activities which take into account their race, culture, language, religion, interests and abilities. Witherslack Group Children’s Homes strive to integrate the young people in our care into activities and groups within the local community. Young People develop their confidence and self-esteem from participating in activities they enjoy, learn how to use local amenities and have the opportunity to widen their social experiences by mixing with other young people outside of the home environment.
Our education
We believe that in order to maximise educational opportunities it is essential that teaching and care staff work co-operatively in an attempt to provide a meaningful and relevant 24 hour curriculum. Education is not limited merely to the classroom; education is a continuous process which occurs throughout the waking day. That is not to say that education can not be enjoyable or fun; there are many educational activities which occur naturally in our work with young people.
A simple trip to the shops is an excellent opportunity to practice skills in both numeracy and literacy. The use of money is an obvious example of supporting number work and encouraging young people to read signs and notices in shops also promotes social literacy. Many of these tasks are routinely completed, whilst others may need to be engineered in order to address specific deficit areas in a young person’s educational development.
We recognise the importance of staff working together co-operatively with care and teaching staff, who liaise on a regular basis. Key Workers have regular planned meetings with each young person’s teacher/tutor in order to review Individual Care and Education Plans (ICEPs). These close working relationships are designed to promote multi-disciplinary working and a consistent approach to the education and care of young people.
Through our approach to improving a young person’s social relationship skills, we recognise that social development cannot be separated from other learning experiences, whether they be aesthetic, creative, moral, physical, spiritual, recreational, etc. Moreover, formal learning, social and leisure clubs, ad hoc activities, group work, and indeed all situations and environments within and external to the home are appropriate for enabling children and young people to improve their social skills.

Our therapeutic support
We undertake a holistic baseline assessment during the first 6 weeks of placement to ensure our initial planning is correct and to take account of the response of the young person to our provision. This involves a multi-agency team of therapists, teachers, residential support staff and parents/carers. We use Conner’s Profiling, standardised English and Mathematics assessments and speech and language and psychological assessment. Where appropriate, we involve our clinical psychiatrist in this process. This gives reliable and comprehensive baseline assessment enabling us to accurately assess progress, progression and ‘value added’.
Our commitment to delivering outstanding therapeutic support to all young people is based on attachment principles. We believe that unless a young person is able to feel emotionally secure they are less likely to fulfil their personal, social and educational potential.
We have an extensive Clinical Team, which is able to offer young people within our schools and children’s homes a truly personalised and comprehensive package of therapeutic support. Each of our children’s homes is supported by our own on-site therapists for a minimum of two days a week, with further support, as required, from our Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists.
Our unique approach to supporting young people allows us to achieve uniquely outstanding outcomes, which in turn enables our young people to go on and aspire and succeed in their future.
In addition to children’s homes we also offer Integrated Therapeutic Learning Centres which provide an individualised approach to meeting a young person’s therapeutic, education and care needs. Young people attending the Integrated Therapeutic Provision live in the children’s homes, which are located on-site. There are close links between the home and the on-site learning centre to ensure the best possible outcomes are achieved for each young person.
This fully integrated care, education and therapeutic provision consists of a children’s home and separate learning centre all on one site. The learning centres are staffed by a range of qualified Teachers and Teaching Assistants and offer the full national curriculum with highly personalised and structured educational support.
Make an enquiry
If you want to explore how we can help a child or young person in your care, contact our referrals team.
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