School celebrates shortlist announcement
We’re delighted to announce that Westmorland School has been shortlisted for the prestigious National Association of Independent Schools & Non-Maintained Special Schools (NASS) Awards. The school has been shortlisted for the NASS Innovation Award.
Sue Asher, Head Teacher at Westmorland School commented on her school’s achievement by saying:
“I am delighted that Westmorland School has been shortlisted for this NASS award. The teaching, pastoral and therapy teams are innovative and creative every single day to help all our pupils successfully achieve. The commitment our staff show is outstanding and very worthy of such recognition.”
The winners will be announced at the 2018 NASS Award during the NASS Annual Conference being held on the 11th & 12th October at The Belton Woods hotel, Grantham.
If the school wins they will be presented with a trophy at the awards ceremony. We look forward to the announcement of the winners.