Westmorland School celebrates outstanding…again!
Staff, pupils and parents are celebrating at Westmorland School following the publication of their latest report by Ofsted. The school has been judged as outstanding in all areas, including quality of education, personal development and leadership and management.
The report was glowing in praise for the school, its staff and the overall approach to the education, care and support of each child.
Highlights from the report include:
- Leaders have the highest of expectations for pupils at this school. There is no limit to what pupils can achieve. They are immersed in a culture of excellence where they flourish and thrive.
- Staff teach topics that bring learning to life. Pupils use technology with confidence and are proud to show their work and discuss their learning and achievements.
- Pupils love their school. They have very positive attitudes to their learning. The staffknow every pupil extremely well. They support them to manage their emotions and behaviour. This helps pupils to feel safe.
- Pupils are hooked into an exciting curriculum where they develop an enquiring mind. Leaders have carefully mapped out where key knowledge, including vocabulary, can be revisited in the curriculum. Consequently, pupils’ knowledge is deepened and they can apply their learning in different contexts.
- Staff help pupils to respect other people and to understand different points of view. Pupils learn to listen, take turns and work together. Pupils keenly take part in activities to raise money for charity. They support their local community in a variety of ways, including by litter-picking.
- Leaders are constantly evaluating, refining and improving the school. They have a clear and passionate vision to ensure that every child in school gets the best possible education. They have established a strong partnership with parents and carers, who appreciate the support they receive from school and the positive impact that this has at home.
Proud Head Teacher, Sue Asher commented:
We are totally over the moon with such a wonderful inspection, which reflects everyone’s hard work and total dedication. The inspectors could see what a strong team we have, all of who had clearly kept on driving the school forwards and because of this, they couldn’t find any areas for development, as every area was equally as strong, which is really lovely to hear.
Well done to the staff team on another great outcome!

Pupils celebrate Ofsted results