Wellbeing Award for Broadbeck Learning Centre
We’re delighted to announce that Broadbeck Learning Centre has been awarded the Wellbeing Award for Schools. This award focuses on ensuring that effective provisions are in place for promoting the emotional wellbeing and mental health of pupils and staff.
Lead by Dr Miranda Budd, Psychologist and Laura Ward, Assistant Psychologist a catalogue of information was put together and presented to the assessor to exhibit the fantastic work being carried out by all of the staff at Broadbeck Learning Centre.
The award has helped the learning centre to create a culture where talking about feelings and emotions is actively encouraged.
The report highlighted:
'This is an exceptionally good school so there are many strengths to admire.'
'The highly accessible and professional teaching and therapeutic teams which work very closely together and are united by a shared passion to address the needs of the highly vulnerable young people who learn at the Centre. This is made possible by a very supportive management structure and approach which values staff wellbeing as vital to the wellbeing of the students.'
'This is a school which models how vulnerable young people could and should be educated and supported towards adulthood. The pride and joy that one boy took in constructing a fire pit (with mathematical work cunningly and cleverly inserted by his teacher) is just one example of the individual care, creative planning, and seamless marriage of the academic and pastoral work of the Centre. The Centre places a huge emphasis on the value of relationships, and this is evident from the extremely supportive and mutually respectful interactions between staff and between staff and students.'
'The Centre places a huge emphasis on the value of relationships, and this is evident from the extremely supportive and mutually respectful interactions between staff and between staff and students.'
Well done to everyone!