The Grange Learning Centre celebrate outstanding status
Staff and young people at The Grange Learning Centre have been celebrating after receiving an outstanding result in their latest Ofsted inspection.
The Durham based school were judged as outstanding in all areas and received a glowing report full of praise for staff and the excellent progress made by of young people at the centre.
The report noted:
• Leaders and managers work effectively with governors to ensure that pupils thrive socially and academically in a safe environment and make outstanding progress in a broad curriculum.
• Pupils’ academic progress is accurately evaluated through the school’s innovative assessment scheme.
• All pupils make rapid and sustained improvement in their behaviour.
• Teachers successfully use this information to plan activities that ensure that pupils make outstanding progress in both their social development and academic studies.
• Pupils make outstanding academic and social progress from low starting points and succeed at a level that prepares them well for the next stage in their lives.
John O’Neill, the learning centre’s Executive Head Teacher, commented on the report;
“The outstanding verdict is a testament to the dedicated staff team we have here at the learning centre. It is their commitment and drive that has enabled our young people to thrive”.