It's a strike at Sandwell!
Pupils and staff from Sandwell Learning Centre recently enjoyed a trip to Hollywood Bowling in Oxfordshire, to take part in a ten-pin bowling Panathlon Challenge.
The group were given the opportunity to take part in the competition and scored an impressive 526 points. The team played well, and this was reflected in them gaining third place and being awarded bronze medals. Special awards were given to one young person for the most strikes and spares, and another, who won the highest individual score.
Peripatetic Manager, Dean Fuller shares more detail:
"Congratulations to the young people on receiving their first team trophy , and we're looking forward to building our trophy cabinet for future awards!"
One pupil commented:
"I really enjoyed today. I can't believe that we got medals for it. I now want to do a football tournament because we would definitely win that one!"
Instructor, Ashley Winn commented:
"Today has been a brilliant success, the benefits of the day have been nothing short of amazing. Building the sense of 'self' amongst the individuals has been incredible; - Self-worth - Self-confidence -Self- respect. The team skills that have been displayed also have been fantastic to observe. This has been a great building block for our young people and we cannot wait to build on this."
Well done everyone!