Queensmead House School Opens Its Doors
This week Queensmead House School, based in Windsor, became Witherslack Group’s newest school, when it officially opened its doors to the first pupils. It is certainly exciting news and the school’s Executive Head Teacher, Justine Sims, has put pen to paper to tell us all about it.
Over to you Justine:
"Well in what has been difficult times globally we were delighted to open our doors at Queensmead House to welcome our very first pupils. It has been an amazing first week where pupils in both our primary and secondary phases have taken part in a range of lessons across the curriculum in the most fantastic learning spaces. Staff, pupils and families have been sharing their magic moments from the first week.
Dr Green our science lead shared that his magic moment was where all of the secondary, students and staff, were all in the common room involved in a ‘UNO’ match. After a few dodgy manoeuvres and maybe some illegal activity, students 1, staff 0. He suspects a rematch will be on the cards!
Our parents are carers have also been delighted with the transition into Queensmead House:
‘We don’t know how you are working your magic! We have been blown away by it so far. It couldn’t have been any better, it has surpassed our expectations. I have felt right from the beginning as a parent I have been listened to. The staff team have worked so hard looking into what our son loves, making the time to understand the interests that then make him happy and relaxed. When all of the news about the CV19 was on the television I nearly broke down as I thought they can’t take this away from him now when it has been such an amazing success. We were so thankful you remained open.’
One of our families shared that her grandson had said that night after school; ‘Thank you Nan for finding me this school’ That night she also shared that her grandson had got his book out after school and he and Nan read together, that is the first time he has done this in over a year.
Lisa who is part of the admissions team and works with our families prior to starting school shared ‘It has been so lovely to have children here today. Lots of these are families I have worked with within my admissions role and it’s great to finally have them in school – it makes it all worthwhile!’
The staff team at Queensmead House have worked so hard in planning and preparing for the first week where we welcomed our pupils. We are all delighted with how it has gone and we look forward to sharing all our news weekly on our new school blog. I would like to thank all of the staff, pupils and families who have helped to make this first week such a success."
Thanks, Justine for a fantastic first update. We can’t wait for next week’s update where we are told that Mrs White, Head of Secondary, has been making scones with the pupils and the important debate on which order to put the jam and cream on!

Photos inside the new school