Pontville School Blog 166: Flexing, friendship and even more fun!
The team of bloggers from Pontville School share all the latest goings-on at the school.
Circuit training
Oak 3 Class really got stuck in, engaging in some circuit training, upper body exercises and flexing of muscles.
TA, Jane Murray commented:
Shea and Mercy worked exceptionally hard during the session and we are really proud of them, while superman, Oscar shows off all his strength!
Creative camera work
TA, Natalie Hunt celebrated as her Creative Media Engage Group had a brilliant first session, learning how to use a camera and taking lots of photos of the animals, and plants on the farm. Great work!

Fir 3 have been learning about cells and recently used microscopes to look at onion epidermal cells in more detail. During their lesson, they all worked exceptionally well, resulting in them earning extra bonus points.

Residential rendezvous
Over at Oakwood, the residential group have been involved in activities including, joining a boxing club, creating their own pizzas and joining the local university sports centre to take advantage of their swimming facilties.
During the summer break, parents and carers sent in some photos and messages of their children reading in very unusual places! Take a peek.

Thomas took his book everywhere during the summer break. He read at three different beaches, on every bench and in-between courses at restaurants and cafes.
His parents proudly commented:
"It was lovely to see him reading for pleasure."

Charlie's parents commented:
"Charlie read six new books during the summer holidays (one a week). We've taken Charlie's books out on our trips (when I've remembered!) But Charlie's favourite place to read is snuggled up in his chair at home. This is a photo of Charlie completing his reading challenge."
Seedlings 3 Class
This week in Seedling Class the children have enjoyed getting to know one another, building friendships as well as spending time with the animals at the farm.
TA, Mollie Duffy commented:
"They are all settling in really well and we are all very proud of them!"