Pontville School Blog 122: Fantastic Forest School Assessed By NAS
As part of Pontville School’s National Autistic Society’s (NAS) membership, the school’s forest and farm areas were assessed by an advisor from NAS.
As part of the assessment, key areas were assessed and findings were shared in a report. The report was in praise of staff and the progress pupils make. The report noted:
The Forest School and farm sessions provide opportunity and purpose for pupils to practice and learn skills in communication, interaction, independence and resilience.
The Forest School lead and farm lead have built positive relationships with the pupils.
There are clear and consistent structures in place which support the pupils to understand what is happening now and next. (Chalk Board Forest school)
Pupils are clearly engaged and motivated to be part of the Forest School and farm. The farm lead has developed a wide range of community links including links with a church and the local rangers.
There is a clear focus on an element of communication during the Forest School sessions.
Well done everyone!