Pontville celebrate another short list announcement
Pupils and staff from Pontville School are celebrating following the announcement that they have been shortlisted for another award. The school has been shortlisted for the Educate Awards 2018 Communication Award category.
The Educate Awards is the one night of the year where the excellence of schools in Merseyside, Cheshire and Lancashire is celebrated and rewarded in a unique fashion. 2018 has once again seen an unprecedented number of entries. Kim O’Brien, Executive Editor of Educate magazine commented ‘The quality across all categories has again really impressed our judges, making it a very tough decision-making process. Therefore it is already an outstanding achievement to have made the shortlist!’
The prestigious Educate Awards 2018 ceremony takes place on the evening of Friday 16 November at Liverpool Cathedral and includes a champagne drinks reception, three course dinner along with entertainment and the awards presentation. Each winner receives an award presented by one of the sponsors.
Justine Sims, Head Teacher proudly said:
“The newsletter team has been together now for just over two years. They have reported on the news and events at Pontville School weekly and have been helping to raise the profile of the school by providing a forum for celebrating all of the exciting things that happen here and reaching out to children and young people in the wider autistic community. We are so proud that Ben, Owen and Woody have been shortlisted for the Educate Communication Award and they thoroughly deserve this accolade. The prestigious award ceremony is taking place in Liverpool Cathedral in November and we are keeping everything crossed for the evening. Whatever the outcome our students at Pontville make us so proud!”
We too have everything crossed for the deserving nominees!