Pontville Blog: 163 - More great news from team Pontville!
The team of bloggers from Pontville School share even more great news and the latest goings on at the school.
The school received an abundance of feedback recently, and here are some of them.
Parents of a pupil from Queensmead House School, who are looking to relocate to the local area near Pontville visited the school and in feedback to Justine Sims, Head Teacher they noted:
"It was lovely to have a tour, we were very impressed. It was great to see the young children tending to the garden beds and seeing the amazing artwork of the pupils. On a final note, we can see how your professionalism, enthusiasm and humour cascades down to your team."
Marlie's parents feedback
"Marlie's has made lovely friends and is being invited to parties and the whole dynamics has changed at home because she is so happy. Thank you to all those staff who supported Marlie's successful transition into Pontville."
Feedback from a residential setting
A young person recently moved on from Pontville and the feedback from the team included:
"I cannot praise your school highly enough for the support that you gave to our young man and the building blocks that you helped to put in place to enable him to succeed post Pontville."
Key Stage 3 – Outdoor Learning
Teacher, Laura Bennett shares images from an amazing outdoor learning day which took place last term.

Fence maintenance

Forest School

Duke of Edinburgh
Pupils taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh dedicated 234 hours of voluntary work between April 2021 - March 2022, with a social value of £1081.08. This was acknowledged in a certificate presented to the school What an incredible achievement? Well done!

Healing Little Hearts
Pupil, Autumn has been involved in some incredible fundraising helping raise money for Healing Little Hearts. A total of £12,000 has been raised assisting two Healing Little Heart camps be funded, helping around 24 children in total who would otherwise not had access to surgery. Autumn’s parents are extremely proud of her and the rest of the Little Heart Hero’s.
Well done Autumn!