Pontville blog 158: Bumper blog
The team of bloggers from Pontville School share another week of highlights and delights, so without further ado let’s jump right in and unpack the great news.
News from Juniper Class
Pupils from Juniper Class recently shopped for essential supplies for the people of Ukraine using their own money.
They also enjoyed a trip to Liverpool library where they were able to compare a city library to a town library, and experienced getting on and off a train.
Mental Health Day was celebrated as they came together expressing themselves through art, and they also played a bit of Minecraft with friends.
Cruyff Leader's Community Event
Teacher, Anna Maddocks, and Teaching Assistant, Dan Fieldsend recently supported the Cruyff Leader's very first community event and received excellent feedback from local schools who attended.
Litter Pickers
The Duke of Edinburgh litter pickers have been very busy on Friday afternoons cleaning up the surrounding areas. Members of the public have commented on what a good job they have been doing. A wonderful example of helping the community.
Acts of kindness
Teaching Assistant, Jules Dolan shares some lovely news about pupil, Kian.
During a trip to Ormskirk, Kian was very kind to a homeless man when he gave him some of his pocket money. He also asked him if he would like a sleeping bag which Kian and I will take next Friday. He purchased some sweets for his mum. Then on his way back from Subway, he gave the homeless man the rest of his sandwich, along with a cookie. All these acts of kindness and thoughtfulness were completely unprompted.

Art attack
Pupils, Evie, and Jeff from Oak Class enjoyed drawing toucans during their art session, and proudly show off their hard work.

16-19 Vocational Centre
Customer Service students from the 16-19 Vocational Centre recently visited a local pet shop for a research task about how to provide consistent high customer service. It was educational and informative for all students, who have since produced a “New Employees Guides” for Sutton Pets and Exotics.

Media bus
Pupils recently got the opportunity to use the new facilities on the media bus. With the help of staff, they worked on different independent life skills, e.g. budgeting and cooking, and turned these sessions into films. Pupils enjoyed the day, whilst further developing their skills and social interactions. Thank you to the media team and staff for all their help.

Pop-up shop
Pupils from Alder Class recently held a ‘Pop-up Soup Shop’, with a Valentine’s Day theme. As part of the project, they discussed ideas and divided up the responsibilities. These included producing posters, shopping for and preparing ingredients, and creating delicious soup and pop-stick biscuits. Their pop-up shop was a great success selling all their products and breaking even.
Forest Elf
Key Stage 5 pupil, from Hair and Beauty, created a ‘themed look’ when she transformed Teaching Assistant, Anna Sawyer into a forest elf.

Sensory garden
Hemlock Class got stuck in during their Land-based Studies session creating a planter box located in the sensory garden. Pupils really enjoyed the session.

Matte was looking extremely pleased with himself as he donned his newly knitted jumper created by Teaching Assistant, Jen Nickeas.

Team building
Teacher, Laura Bennett shares details of their team building activities:
We had a lovely session today with our mentors and buddies, as pupils and staff took part in various team-building activities. Groups were mixed from various key stages and classes, and pupils were asked to give a thumbs up if they enjoyed the activity so it would be included in future events. We focused on respect, listening, and sharing ideas.