Pontville Blog 157: Activities, achievements and proud moments
The resident team of bloggers from Pontville School share an exciting week of activities, achievements, proud moments and celebrations!
Sporting superstars
Teachers, Anna Maddocks and Hayley Bennett recently took a group of pupils from Juniper Class to the Lancashire Boccia Finals. During their visit, pupils played magnificently and were complimented on their excellent sportsmanship, as fellow team mates cheered one another along.
Man of the match
TA & Learning Assistant, Dan Fieldsend was delighted to share the news of pupil, Sean when he was recently awarded ‘Man of the Match’. Through Sean’s, determination, hard work, and continuous support from other team members, he has developed his skills and confidence. Well done Sean!
RED January challenge
TA, Helen Cunnane was thrilled to receive an email from a very proud parent confirming that pupil, Luke had completed the RED January challenge, and raised money for Sport in Mind. As part of the challenge, Luke and his mum participated in activities for the whole month of January creating awareness for people with Mental Health. This great achievement will also go towards his Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
Luke’s mum commented:

Animation and creation
Pupils from Oak Class rolled up their sleeves recently and created some amazing animated characters. Modelled from plasticine, the characters where brought to life through the use of a webcam and green screen. Check out the images below.

Junipeer challenge underway
TA, Chloe Green shared exciting news as the Juniper Class are preparing to cycle 60 miles between them on an exercise bike. We look forward to hearing how they all got on – watch this space for the next update.

Dino favourites
As part of their themed learning, pupils from the Seedlings Class have been studying dinosaurs and wanted to share their favourites, and the reasons for their choices. Thomas likes the Lchthyosaurus as it looks like a dolphin, whereas Gabriel’s favourite is a Tyrannosaurus as it eats everything! What’s your favourite dinosaur?

Maths with a twist
Larch 3 Class enjoyed a very different maths lesson as they learnt about capacity and volume. During the session, the pupils had two minutes to get one tablespoon of water from one side of the classroom to the other, while weaving in and out of chairs. Sounds like a fun challenge!

Chinese New Year celebrations
Moving over to Oakwood, young people and staff celebrated Chinese New Year by decorating the living room and hallway with wall art, then tucked into a tasty banquet of food all prepared by the on-site chef. What a treat!

Happy hens, huge eggs!!
Finally, the happy hens from Pontville School farm have been very busy laying eggs but which clever chicken laid the huge egg? Can you guess?