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Pontville Blog 154: Christmas bumper blog

17 December 2021

The team of bloggers from Pontville School present the last Instalment of news for 2021.

Media Bus 

Sarah Morrin, Family Liaison Officer starts us off with some great news.

"We were chosen to star in a promotional video to launch the Media Bus in January. 25 beautifully turned out pupils took part in the filming on Thursday. The bus just about made it through the gates guided by the dedicated Maintenance Supervisor, Dave Duff. The pupils took part in lots of different activities from filming, animation, disco DJ in the sound booth to flying a drone!"

Parent feedback

We had our first parents evening of the academic year for all Key Stages which was extremely positive.   For some families this was the first time they have been into school. We have had some lovely feedback from some of our parents;

I just wanted to thank you booking all the times to meet the teachers last night as I know the effort it takes. Could you please pass on my thanks to the whole team for their efforts. With it being my first one it was lovely to meet everyone in Grace's learning journey!

Another emailed: 

I just wanted to let you know how lovely it was hearing such positive reports about Michael yesterday at Parents' Evening.  Every single teacher was full of praise for him and said he's really turned a corner since September. Six months ago I wouldn't have believed it was possible, but now I have a bit of hope that he'll be ok in the future. 


Next, we are heading to youngest pupils and Rachel Milligan, Teaching Assistant.

"The boys in Ash 2 have been enjoying yoga this week - Namaste! I also had the pleasure of supporting primary swimming last week and saw some fantastic progress and swimmers during the lesson.  They have really enjoyed the experience and benefited enormously from accessing the community pool."

Luke's musical talents

Luke’s mum got in touch with Justine Sims, Head Teacher with some wonderful news.

In an email she wrote:

I  have some great news. Luke has passed his Grade 2 Piano exam! 😀 He is bringing in his certificate today to show staff. Luke’s staff are so wonderful.  Luke told them I passed my course too and they congratulated me as well 😂 I’ve just passed my level 2 in counselling skills at Southport College so we both have good news to celebrate.

Black belt achievement 

Leo’s mum was also beaming with pride with the news that he has achieved the black belt!


Christmas cheer

Hayley McEvoy, Pastoral Assistant has the latest on the Christmas cheer around the school.  

I just wanted to send you some pictures of the pupils decorating the trees this morning. The pupils were so well behaved and did a fantastic job! Big thanks Bradley, Jake, Jeff, Ayaaz, David, Gabriella, Shea, Harry, Sean, Izzy, Warren, John and Jak! Oak Class have whipped up some delicious gingerbread this week in festive shapes.

Larch Class update

Larch 3 have some scientific good news. They have been enjoying their science topic on evolution and adaption, and have been making their own clay fossils . The class also finally completed their Sea Life display for art! They have worked really hard this term learning about sea life creatures and used a lot of different techniques and materials to create their display.

Sporting success 

Next we hear from Anna Maddox, Teacher who has been celebrating the sporting success.

"Sean, Reuben, Jake Wa, Elliot G, Bradley, Reese, Gabriel, Meisha, Callum & Jayden took part in the LFC SEN Sports Festival on Wednesday. They took part in boccia, dodgeball, basketball & kinball. We loved playing dodge the metior and bubblegum! The pupils worked really well as a team and represented the school beautifully. One of the coaches said that we were the best school he had coached all day!"

16-19 Centre update  

Nathalia Hurt,  Teacher has been celebrating the achievements of KS5 students.  

"5 Alder have been working very hard the last couple of weeks preparing for the Christmas Market. I am very proud of how the students have implemented their individual skills including creativity, initiative, communication and practical skills, to create some fantastic results! Here is a small sample of what we have been making."


Rachel Doherty, Teacher is super proud of some fantastic creative writing from KS3 and their imagery poems.

Jayden from Maple Class created a poem about winter in the shape of a Christmas tree. 


Imagery Poem 

The trees froze in the cold,

Slowly snowing

The trees were calmly growing older,

As old as dinosaurs

As the snow crunches you see this quite clearly

And you hear the snow slosh

As the refreshing smell of the minty cold air soothes all.

By Jayden 


Gabriel from Maple Class created a poem about war using visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile imagery. 



I see death,

I see them struggling for breath,

I see planes and tanks

Charging over the banks.


I feel mud beneath my boots as we charge,

I feel the enemy’s will,

It is to kill.

I hear the boom of bombs as we run for our lives,

As we run we hear gun shots fire,

And we begin to tire.


I smell blood,

I taste mud,


I am dripping with blood,



Meisha has written a poem describing an abandoned circus tent.  


Imagery Poem

The tent stood there empty and gloomy

It was torn apart, barely standing

the poles were tired and would soon break under the pressure

the fire was still crackling within

but every so often a flame would get blew out by the wind

Howling ,howling, howling the tornado formed

Twisting and turning until it finally stopped…..

But everything else dropped down with it


Another great catch up! Well done everyone.

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