Pontville Blog 141: Flurry of activity
There’s been a real buzz of activity at Pontville School, where pupils and staff have been learning and exploring.
Head Teacher, Justine Sims takes the time out to catch up on the highlights of their week.
Star of the Week
Aaron celebrated Pastoral Star of the Week.

Star of the Week
Pop Art
In primary P3, Teacher, Rachel Todd, share composite Pop Art made by pupils.

Pupils create Pop Art
Pupils have been recognised by staff for making progress. To start, Teaching Assistant, Jenny Lee noted that during their activity of Board Games, the pupils communicated well and were kind and respectful to one another. They discussed rules and along with staff have enjoyed a few laughs too.
In Key Stage 3, Teacher, Rachel Doherty, shared the academic achievements of classes 3D, 3E, and 3F who passed their English functional skills writing tests – well done!
Teacher, Angela Burgess, also celebrated pupils from Key Stage 3. She noted that Charlie, Dylan, and Mercy have come back to school ready to learn. Charlie has completed excellent Geography work naming the countries that have rainforests. Dylan completed his science work on ‘growing up’ with maturity and compassion for others. Mercy has been ‘super talking’, asking everyone if they had a good Christmas and what presents they received.
Teaching Assistant, Jordan Bromley, and the 4F team are proud of Joe, who has consistently been working hard whilst self-regulating and talking to staff about the uncertainty of current lockdown rules. Joe has completed all of his work as well as extension tas in all of his lessons. He also pushed himself in PE, earning a golden carrot as well as a bonus for excelling during his final fitness test. Well done Joe!
Teacher, Hayley Bennett also shares good news from 4A where Josh and Thomas enjoyed their first off-site local walk together. They found some ducks on the lake that they thought had fell victim to the freezing conditions- they turned out to be plastic thankfully.

Pupils enjoying local walk
16-19 Centre
I observed students working really hard in their lessons, a staff team working collaboratively together so much so that you couldn’t have separated individual job roles with how cohesively everyone was working, and what I loved the most was the sound of laughter at break and lunchtimes in a really lovely relaxed social atmosphere.
What a week! Well done everyone!