Pupils support International Charity Day
Year 8 pupils from Oversands School recently worked together to raise money and awareness of International Charity Day.
They started by discussing and researching various charities and the work they do to help support those in need. After much deliberation, they decided to help their local community and researched food banks and considered the needs of the homeless and the food they would like.
As part of their learning, they took a trip to a local supermarket and were given £5 each, and asked to spend £3 on suitable foods for the food bank and spend the remaining amount on themselves as a treat. One very kind pupil spent £3 selecting the most appropriate food and then went on to spend the leftover money on other people who were less fortunate than himself. Recognising his very kind gesture, another pupil proceeded to share his treats with the pupil who had no money left for himself.
Teaching Assistant, Leigh Wade-Wilson commented:
This was a very kind and heart-warming gesture from both pupils. It was a proud moment for us all.
The dream team strikes again. Well done everyone!

Pupils Support International Charity Day