Local career opportunities unveiled
Oversands School recently welcomed independent career advisors from ISPIRA to deliver informative sessions to years 7 and 8 pupils about Labour Market Information (LMI).
LMI is information about what is happening in the labour market and tends to focus on the growing, and declining industries, the types and levels of jobs are increasing and decreasing and what supply of labour is available – numbers, skill and qualification levels.
During the sessions, they explored opportunities available in the South Lakes and the range of careers that the local area can offer them in the future. Pupils were engaged and able to recognise the diverse career paths and the skills needed for the range of careers.
At the end of the session, the INSPIRA Team complemented pupils on their communication skills and ideas.
Teacher Paul Wilkinson, Careers Leader at Oversands, commented:
"It was delightful to see young people taking an active interest in their local area and understanding what the local area can offer them and what they too, can offer. The South Lakes is a hidden gem of employment opportunities, but our pupils are the most valuable jewels within the locality."
He continued:
"INSPIRA will continue to be significantly involved in supporting our pupils with great advice and support throughout the future."
Great work, everyone!

Pupils welcome INSPIRA to school