Oversands School celebrate Ofsted report
Staff, pupils and parents are celebrating at Oversands School following the publication of their latest report by Ofsted.
Judged as good in all areas, the school prides itself on providing pupils with a high-quality and individualised learning environment with opportunities to access learning that is tailored to their needs.
The report was glowing in praise of the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and sixth-form provision. The report noted:
- Pupils and sixth-form students are happy at this school. They appreciate the opportunities that they have to enjoy the outdoors. They enjoy chatting with adults at lunchtime because they have positive relationships with staff.
- Leaders expect pupils and students to work hard and try their best. All staff set high expectations for what pupils can achieve.
- Leaders have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. Leaders expect pupils to be respectful, responsible and kind towards each other.
- Pupils study a broad and balanced curriculum, including in the sixth form. Leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to know and be able to do in each subject. Leaders have carefully designed the curriculum so that pupils and students build a deep body of subject knowledge.
- Pupils develop positive attitudes to learning. Pupils benefit from specialist therapeutic support. This helps them to overcome their difficulties and to better regulate their emotions and behaviour. Pupils are proud of the improvements that they make in their behaviour and attitudes over time.
- Pupils benefit from an effective personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to discuss and debate challenging issues that have been reported in the news. They learn about respect for differences and what discrimination may look like in a workplace setting.
- A wide range of support ensures that pupils and sixth-form students are ready for their next steps in education and adulthood. At a recent careers fair, pupils and students talked with local employers and colleges about apprenticeships, training programmes and further education.
Head Teacher Jo Burdon commented:
"We are delighted with our Ofsted report which rates us as 'Good' in all areas. This is testament to the dedication and skills of a united team that keeps the focus on our pupils in everything we do. A fantastic achievement!"
Click here to view the full report.
Well done, everyone.

Staff team celebrate Ofsted report