Ofsted success at Greenholm School
Staff, pupils and parents are celebrating at Greenholm School following the publication of their latest report by Ofsted. The provision has been judged as good with outstanding features demonstrating the incredible difference the school continues to make to its pupils and their families.
Located in the South East of England, Greenholm School’s Ofsted report was glowing in praise for the quality of education, including behaviour and attitudes, personal development, sixth-form provision and the effectiveness of leaders and management.
Highlights from the report include:
- Pupils know that leaders expect them to do their best. Pupils work hard to live up to the school’s ambitions to aspire and thrive.
- Teachers encourage pupils to go into further education after leaving school. Pupils attain GCSEs in various subjects and study vocational qualifications. This has led to some pupils to gaining entrance to universities.
- Leaders ensure that pupils’ education goes beyond academic subjects. Pupils develop personally and socially through the many experiences provided by staff. They enjoy programmes such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. Pupils support local community projects, visit local attractions, and raise money for local charities.
- Staff use well-structured programmes of study which build on pupils’ different skills and knowledge.
- Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to their work are excellent. Staff ensure that pupils’ attendance is high. They encourage pupils to do their very best to succeed. Teachers and teaching assistants have a deep knowledge and understanding of pupils’ individual needs.
- Most parents and carers are very positive about the school. They were especially complimentary about the positive impact of the school on their children. Staff enjoy working at the school and felt well supported.
Deputy Head Teacher Chris Pitt commented:
"As a senior leadership team we are proud of our pupils and staff, showing the best of our school during our inspection. We have areas to work on and we will always strive to be better in all areas as it is what our children and young people deserve."
Read the full report here.