Ofsted Inspection Report Is A Cause Of Celebration At Queensmead House School
12 March 2020
The staff team at Queensmead House School were delighted to receive their final pre-registration Ofsted report.
The report noted:
- The school will provide opportunities for pupils to acquire and consolidate speaking, listening, literacy and numeracy skills.
- Leaders and staff will promote pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development effectively through the taught curriculum and through establishing a culture of tolerance and respect between staff and pupils alike.
- The school's policies, written guidance and procedures to ensure that the welfare, health and safety of pupils are sound.
- The school has extensive grounds which are suitable for pupils to play outside, as well as for sport and physical education.
- The school plans to provide regular written reports to parents or carers.
Leaders are aware of their duty to actively promote the well being of all pupils.
Justine Sims, Executive Head Teacher commented:
"We were delighted to receive our final Ofsted report for Queensmead House School this week. Our staff team have been working very hard to prepare for our new pupils which is clearly reflected in the report. There have been some amazing developments at the school already which will provide our young people with a range of inspiring learning environments. Alongside our bespoke curriculum offer and package of pastoral care support, we are very excited to be opening our school doors this month and welcoming our new pupils."
Well done everyone.