Oakwood Learning Centre celebrates another stunning result
Staff and pupils are celebrating at Oakwood Learning Centre following the publication of their latest report by Ofsted. The school has been judged as outstanding in all areas again, which highlights the incredible learning environment the school offers to all of its children.
The Oftsed report was glowing in praise for the learning centre, its staff and the overall approach to the education, care and support of each child.
The report noted:
- Teachers work exceptionally well with therapeutic staff to identify and meet the emotional needs of pupils. This promotes outstanding progress in pupils’ personal development.
- Pupils’ individual learning needs are met well and they make excellent progress across a wide range of subjects, particularly in key stages 3 and 4.
- Enrichment activities are extensive and match pupils’ individual needs and aspirations very well.
- All adults have excellent relationships with pupils.
Alister Sidgwick, Head Teacher of Oakwood, proudly commented:
"We are delighted with the outcome of our recent Ofsted inspection that celebrates the outstanding work of the entire Oakwood campus team. I am extremely proud that the report highlights the continued hard work and dedication from all staff and young people and we look forward to building further on the strengths of this report."
Click here to read the full report.
Well done to everyone at Oakwood on a great result.