Glowing praise again from Ofsted
Staff and young people at Meadow View Children’s Home have been recognised in a recent inspection by Ofsted as outstanding. The report was glowing in its praise for the staff team and the progress and success of the young people who reside at the Lancashire based home.
Here is just a sample of some of the comments included in the report:
“The registered manager has a proven record of delivering outstanding care to young people with complex and challenging needs. She provides clear evidence that young people in the home make significant and sustained progress from their starting point at admission. Progress exceeds all expectations at the point of placement.”
“Young people report that they are making excellent progress because they feel valued. Their achievements and progress are celebrated. As a result, they have enhanced self-esteem and confidence. One young person said: ‘I love living here. I am with people that understand me. They give me time and listen. There is nothing that I would change here’.”
“Staff proactively promote and facilitate contact arrangements. This means that young people have substantially improved relationships and contact with family, including extended family.”
“Staff have excellent working relationships with partners such as health, education, and the police. Young people benefit from comprehensive assessments and high quality care plans because multi-agency working is highly effective.”