Christmas cheer and charity
Year 7 pupils from Hartwell School’s Transition Class have been learning about ‘Christmas Giving’ as part of their PSHE and English lessons. As part of their learning, they recently watched several ‘Newsround’ stories about refugees and decided that they wanted to spread the Christmas cheer by helping them.
The philanthropists looked into various charities and decided to support a local charity, DAR (Darlington Area for Refugees). After researching ways to help, they decided they would donate a treat and food hamper. The class got to work with writing an email or a letter to establish the demographics of a family and their needs. After getting the answers to their questions (there were many) they created a poster to raise awareness to their family and friends and got to work with creating the hampers.
All together, they created four hampers and received donations for four large bags of clothing for the refugees. How kind!
Well done Transition Class!