A flurry of amazingness!
This term, pupils and staff from Hartwell School enjoyed a flurry of activity.
As part of Hartwell’s Rights Respecting Schools Award, they recently held a charity event creating awareness for UNICEF. Parents and carers were warmly welcomed to join in the celebrations, getting stuck into a variety of exciting activities, as well as indulging in delicious cakes and treats. They raised £157.25 in support of this great cause!

Year 11 pupils celebrated their end of school journey with a Prom. Dressed in their best, they enjoyed the event while staff looked on, proud as can be!

Finally, a group of younger pupils recently rolled up their sleeves and got stuck into some gardening to grow their own fruit and veg.
Chef in Charge, Wendy Hughes was delighted when she reaped the rewards of all their hard work during harvest time, serving up delicious homegrown veg as part of her lunchtime menu!