Sensory circuits a roaring success
James Ffitch, Occupational Therapist from Hartwell School recently trialled out a circuit session with pupils online. The 30 minute sensory circuit provides a sequence of activities that are repeated to provide the child with the right type of sensory input to calm and organise them for the day, ready for learning.
The trial was a roaring success and as news spread of the new initiative, more pupils joined and quickly, the sessions reached the homes of pupils living in Yorkshire. Fondly named ‘Circuits with Sensei’ the sessions also offers pupils an opportunity to interact with their friends and communicate with one another.
The feedback James has received has been amazing with one young person commenting “It’s better than Joe Wicks!”
James commented:
After speaking to some parents I thought that our pupils would benefit from taking part in a sensory motor circuit where they get to see a familiar face and interact with their friends. The circuits also provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills, posture and strength which can help them to engage with learning. The feedback from parents and pupils has been overwhelming and as a result, the sessions will continue for our learners.
To help support more young people and their families, James will also be live streaming sessions from our Group’s Facebook page from Monday 11 May at 11am. Will you be tuning in to watch and even take part? Click here to access our Facebook page.