School achieves the first ‘ADHD Advanced Practitioner’ education setting in the UK
We are delighted to announce that Hall Cliffe Primary School has been acknowledged as one of the first ‘ADHD Advanced Practitioner’ education settings in the UK.
Hall Cliffe Primary’s representative, Claire Traynor, Head Teacher embarked on the advanced practitioner programme, where she took part in a rigorous programme resulting in her achieving the coveted status.
Colin Foley, National Training Director from the ADHD foundation congratulated the school and will present the Claire with his ADHD Practitioner Award at the ADHD Conference on Friday 4 October.
Michael Webster, Regional Director commented:
"I am delighted with the success of Hall Cliffe Primary achieving the first ADHD Practitioner Award. Our work with the ADHD Foundation is recognised through these exciting and developmental opportunities that demonstrate the high level of professional work our staff teams complete in order to support young people in our schools. The work undertaken has allowed staff teams to expand their knowledge and understanding of the needs of learners with ADHD, reflect upon their current practice and explore and further develop a range of teaching and learning areas."
Congratulations everyone on a fantastic achievement.