A flurry of news!
Pupils from Dovetree School kick-started the academic year by settling into their new classes, ready to learn while also enjoying extra-curricular activities with great enthusiasm.
To start, pupil, Levi from Owl Class made a cracking start with his GCSE History exploring the impact of the Great Depression on Germany, 1929-1932. He got stuck into some revision in preparation for his first exam-style question, resulting in achieving top marks. Another pupil explored how natural hazards come about as part of his GCSE Geography and also attempted an exam-style question, achieving great results.
Staying on the theme of GCSEs, pupils from Eagle Class started preparing for their exams, focusing on descriptive writing in English. They are also preparing to visit a local community sports centre as part of the learning and development in PE.
Elsewhere, pupils from Merlin Class have adapted very well to secondary school, embracing the new changes as well as enjoying their first swimming lessons of the term, building their confidence in the water.
Lunchtime Clubs are well underway, with new additions, including hair and beauty, art and design, film and book, football, chess and music. There's something for everyone.
Music Teacher, Kieran Fowkes proudly introduced ‘Rock Star of The Week’, with the first award being presented to Jonah.
And last but by no means least, The School Council selected their charity of the term, Action For Children and will play a key role in devising a strategy for raising money and awareness for Christmas. They plan to meet fortnighly to discuss and develop new ideas.
Great work everyone and a great start to the new academic year!