Dovetree is good
16 February 2024
Pupils, parents and the team from Dovetree School are celebrating following the publication of their latest report by Ofsted. The provision has been judged as ‘Good’ with outstanding features, demonstrating the incredible difference the school continues to make to its pupil's development.
Located in Hinckley, Leicestershire, the school’s report was glowing in praise for the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.
Highlights from the report include:
- Dovetree is an ambitious school. Pupils, staff and the wider school community are inspired by the drive to ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve’.
- Pupils benefit from a broad and ambitious curriculum. Content is taught in a logical order. Teachers plan lessons that are closely matched to the intent of the curriculum.
- Pupils benefit from a wide range of experiences beyond the classroom. Enrichment afternoons allow pupils to try, and experience a wide variety of activities. Pupils are proud of the roles they play, including being mentors, ambassadors, and student councillors.
- The ‘Futures’curriculum providespupils withhigh-quality careers information and guidance.Pupils benefit from a range of experiences that relate to the world of work. They are supported
- Leaders have created a united team of staff who share their determination and drive. Typically, a member of staff said,‘This really is like one big family.’
Well done Dovetree!