Cumberland ‘Grow Together’
Last term, pupils and staff from Cumberland School celebrated Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. This year's theme was ‘Growing Together’ which aims to help young people see how far they have come and grown during a time of uncertainty.
On day one, a special assembly was held where they discussed how we all grow emotionally and how we can help one another grow and develop by dealing with challenges whilst staying mentally healthy.
As part of the celebrations, the pupils took part in a week-long competition where they were awarded points for different healthy actions, including helping someone, giving others compliments, and saying thank you to someone who has been helpful. They also created messages on ‘leaves’ in support of their own well-being, and these were displayed around the school grounds for everyone to read and appreciate.
To end their week of celebrations, everyone got together to indulge with hot chocolate, and classes who performed the most ‘Growing Together’ actions, also won a trip to Pizza Hut!
Well done!

Pupils and staff celebrate Children's Mental Health Awareness Week