Christmas is a Claus for celebration
The festive fun continues to reign at Chilworth House School.
To start, everyone came together to celebrate Christmas Jumper Day by donning their festive knits. In the spirit of giving in the season of goodwill, the school raised money and awareness for the national charity Save the Children.
The fun and festive feel continued as classes practiced their Christmas performances at the local village hall. Musical performances were recalled as mesmerising, thanks to Music Teacher, Claire Chapman.
Finally, pupils and staff tucked into a delicious Christmas dinner.
Kumari Parul, HLTA commented:
Our kitchen staff worked extra hard to make sure everything was up to mark. The Senior Leadership Team came to support the kitchen team and took on the role of waiters while staff and children enjoyed dining in the ‘Chilworth Restaurant’.
The Christmas menu included a whopping roast turkey with all the trimmings and to finish off the magnificent feast, they devoured a trio of puddings including the traditional pudding, chocolate cake and mince pies.
After the feast, secret Santa presents were distributed which was initiated and organised by the head pupil.
They certainly know how to celebrate in style!

A Claus for celebration!