Real superhero pays flying visit
Willow Class from Chilworth House School recently welcomed a guest speaker ahead of International Women’s Day and as part of the upcoming Neurodiversity Celebration Week.
International Women's Day is a global day celebrating women's social, economic, cultural and political achievements. Likewise, Neurodiversity Celebration Week is also a global initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences.
Julia shares more detail:
"During the morning, the guest speaker, a Business Analyst, spoke about her struggles in life and how she found it difficult to access reading, communication challenges and even sustaining friendships. She heard people say that they found her weird, which created doubts in her mind and made her angry and worried about life and the future. She also found it challenging to concentrate and cope in the work environment and eventually got help and was diagnosed with ADHD. This diagnosis helped her manage and understand herself better. She then chose a job where she could work from home, met a neurodiverse partner with ADHD, and now lives a much happier life."
She continued:
"Throughout the morning, she shared tools to help her self-regulate, including ear plugs of a distinct kind, ear defenders and noise cancellers, post-it notes, fidget toys and more. When the presentation ended, she spent some 1:1 time with pupils and staff where they could ask questions."
Everyone found the session engaging and enlightening, learning more about neurodiversity through someone’s life story.

Pupils engage with guest speaker