Parents & Carers Day
Last term, Pastoral Care Assistant Nicholas Jones and the Pastoral Team from Chilworth House School organised a Parents and Carers Day.
The planned day was the perfect opportunity for parents and carers to witness the brilliant work of pupils and take part in an afternoon full of fun activities.
To kick start their morning, parents and carers joined pupils at breakfast club and then spent time admiring the work of their children and others as they explored classrooms and learning environment.
After lunch, grownups rolled up their sleeves and got stuck into an afternoon packed full of interesting activities, including dodgeball, gardening, forest schools, tidying the sensory gardens and some fun field games.
The day was a huge success providing an insight into their children's school day, and many commented that they were grateful for the hard work put in by the staff to ensure that children feel safe and happy at school.
Well done, everyone.

Parents & carers join pupils to enjoy participating in school activities