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More incredible activities to report

12 August 2022

Last term, pupils and staff from Chilworth House School enjoyed a flurry of activity, including cooking, a nature walk as well as welcoming a new member of staff!

Cooking is therapeutic

Pupils from Birch Class and Alder Class cooked up a storm as they took part in an Indian-themed cooking lesson. 

During their session, they learned many new techniques including making dough balls, rolling them out and finally stuffing them with tasty mixtures to produce stuffed parathas (flatbread).

The proud pupils tucked into their creations, enjoying each bite of their authentic creations. 

Nature walk

Willow Class enjoyed exploring their local area as they took part in a nature walk while observing the various plants and vegetables as part of their science topic.

During the walk, the enthusiastic scientists enjoyed working on their friendships as well as putting into practice their lessons on staying safe outside of school. 

New Pastoral Teacher

Delighted pupils gave a warm welcome to Pastoral Care Assistant, Romero Carlos to the school, who will be introducing some exciting new activities, including Taekwondo.

Romero is a brown belt in the sport and is able to offer in-house classes for the pupils to learn new skills and techniques.  How exciting? 

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