Local MP visits pupils and staff
Pupils and staff from Chilworth House School recently welcomed local MP John Howell and Chief of Staff, Angie Paterson from the Henley Constituency.
During the visit, they spoke to Deputy Head Teacher, Jenny Jura and HLTA, Kumari Parul, and learned about the activities which took place during Neurodiversity Week.
Kumari, who organised the visit shares highlights from the day.
The guests were given a tour of the school building and grounds, and also visited each class where pupils were taking part in lots of learning including a science experiment to explore waterproof materials, Egyptian artwork, grid multiplication and much more. Pupils talked to the visitors and shared their favourite experiences from the week’s celebrations; the tasting of Indian food and Holi paint celebrations were firm favourites. They finished their visit with a catch up with Head Teacher, Dave Willcox who discussed the ways in which every member of Chilworth House supports pupils ensuring they are happy, understood and enjoy their learning.
Well done to everyone for showing the magic of Chilworth House!