Stamping out prejudice with kindness
Pupils and staff from Cedar House School recently welcomed The Sophie Lancaster Foundation Charity, which works to educate young people on the importance of treating everyone with respect and kindness, regardless of their differences.
The charity was established in 2009 by Sylvia (Sophie’s mum) as a lasting legacy to Sophie, who lost her life due to violence and prejudice. The Foundation’s mission is to 'Stamp Out Prejudice, Hatred and Intolerance Everywhere', summed up in one word – S.O.P.H.I.E.
On the day, the school split into three groups to participate in workshops providing them with opportunities to learn and engage, gaining a greater understanding of the importance of promoting acceptance and inclusion in their communities.
During the session, one pupil who was particularly engaged, demonstrated her learning through her artistic skills by drawing a picture of Sophie which included the important message of stamping out prejudice, hatred, and intolerance everywhere. How talented is she?

Pupils draws a picture of Sophie