Cedar House School is recognised with a Gold
Cedar House School is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the Gold level of the National SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) Quality Mark.
The SMSC Quality Mark has been developed by a working group comprised of educational consultants, staff from the Citizenship Foundation, Headteachers and Teachers.
The report was in praise of pupils Jayden, Jacob and Kieran who spoke to the verifier with great confidence. In her report, Rachel commented: ‘They were able to express how much they enjoyed school and how proud they were of everyone in it.’
When asked to describe Cedar House in one word they thought very hard and told the verifier that their school was ‘amazing’, ‘great’, ‘my favourite’, and ‘helpful’.
Highlights from the report completed by the verifier include:
- SMSC is completely embedded in the life, culture and learning of the school. It features strongly in all aspects of the pupils’ personal and academic development. It is evident in the way staff and pupils talk about school, treat each other and their confidence to explore ideas, which is held in high regard.
- The way the activities, learning and visits that enhance SMSC are developed and are beginning to be evidenced more strongly allows everyone to see and share in the excellent practice at Cedar House School.
- The incredible art that features throughout the school shows how much your pupils are valued – it makes your school a very beautiful place.
- The deeply ingrained ethos of celebrating the individual nature of every young person in your care. The acceptance and celebration of each person for the unique person they are and the powerful relationships and understanding that exists throughout the school is clearly and immediately obvious, and has a powerful impact on the development of the young people.
- The warmth and welcome of the school community made my visit a joy.
The school’s SEN Co-ordinator, Gareth Darwen was also highly commended with the verifier commenting: ‘Gareth deserves a great deal of credit for the hard work he has put in to raise the profile of SMSC and to evidence your practice. He has obvious passion and drive and is clearly respected by all members of your school community’.
Well done everyone.