Bursting with brilliance
Pupils and staff from Queensmead House School have been busy of late as they took part in exciting activities, experiences and projects.
Lego models
Firstly, we head to Turing Class where they have been working together to build Lego models as part of their Skills for Independence Learning.
Pupils took on different roles working collaboratively to build their models while developing communication skills along the way. As part of the activity, there were three roles, an engineer giving instructions, a supplier providing the pieces and a builder who had to listen to instructions to build the model.
They worked really well together, and are due to complete their model train during their next session.
Speech and Language Therapist, Lucy Taylor commented:
“Keep up the good work!”

Developing social skills
Moving over to Hawking Class, Therapist Assistant, Harriet Gill has been working with pupils to develop their social skills in a functional and meaningful way. During their Games Club, they have been trying out activities with a view to:
- Practising interaction skills such as turn-taking and listening to the conversation
- Developing reciprocal friendship skills within focused activities, with guidance and modelling from adults
- Developing a foundation for perspective-taking skills, as well as fostering meaningful relationship building, through sharing positive experiences
- Building self-esteem and nurture feelings of safety in their classroom with peers and adults.
IT Teacher, Mohammad Awis has been working on a project with pupils, Elliot and Archie, who have been learning about bitmapping. Mohammad explains:
A bitmap is images organised as a grid of coloured squares called pixels (short for 'picture elements').
The duo produced some colourful images using binary in Excel and then created a replica of Mario and a police car.

Salvation Army success
Key Stage 4 pupils have been working together to collect clothing and blankets to donate to the Salvation Army.
During their project, they also spent some time researching the charity to get a better understanding of who they are, and what services they provide to local communities.

Lunchtime activities
Staff have recently launched a whole new set of activities for pupils to get involved in during their lunchtime break, ranging from football to cricket, yoga, Lego, arts and crafts. There is a club for everyone to enjoy. They have also introduced their first-ever LGBTQ+ society, where pupils can meet and feel comfortable in their surroundings.

Warning – Workmen ahead!
Two creative pupils from Construction Class have been working on a project looking at PPE clothing and explored ways to personalise theirs so it is unique to their style and personality. As part of their project, they focused their attention to hard hats and alongside this researched health and safety requirements.
Working with Deputy Head Teacher, Adam Kielczyk they are putting together a business plan to see how they can fund their project to create a small business which they hope to launch on Etsy.
How cool are their creations?

Toys from the past
Finally, we head over to Explorers Class where they have been learning about what life was like in the 1950s, and as part of their learning, they examined the toys that were popular during this period.
As part of the project, pupils received a very special parcel from a Toy Museum in London containing toys from the past, which they were able to explore, taking it in turns to play with them and seeing how different they compare to toys of today. To complete their project they also created their very own cup and ball game by following instructions.
Well done everyone!