Bursting with activities and joy
Pupils and staff from Queensmead House School have enjoyed another week packed full of activity, where skills have been developed, opportunities to grow have been created, and great memories have been made.
Primary update
Pupils in the primary provision went a trip to the Hollywood Bowl Bowling Centre in Bracknell. This was a reward for the children who managed to get gold and platinum awards.
This time out of school provided opportunities for great interaction between the pupils. Through the activity they learn how to celebrate, be part of a group, accept loss and staying safe. It was also a great way to use their muscles!
This is some of the feedback from pupils:
“It was pretty good – I got 100 points!” - Chris from Innovators Class
“It was good – I would love to go again!” - Oliva from Visionaries Class
“I got some high scores. It was good!" - Charlie from Inventors Class
The reward trips are a great initiative to get pupils to work towards goals and staff look forward to many more in the future!

Secondary update
Three pupils from Year 10 have stared their construction course run onsite by SATRO. Pupils from different year groups have also been invited to try their hand at some soldering and plumbing skills. It has proved a great success so far!
Also, three pupils in the YEAR 10 have stared there ABC level 1 course in motor vehicles. The lecturers at Pit Stop are really impressed in what they have achieved so far.

Fundraising fun
Parents we welcomed to enjoy a coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. The school raised £103 and it proved to be a great networking opportunity, where parents were able to get to know each other and meet the staff team.
A big thanks goes to Steph Shirley, the school’s family liaison officer who organised the successful event.
A few teachers in primary recently completed the Pretty Muddy Race for Life on Saturday the 9th October in Windsor to raise money for research into all 200 types of cancer. There are many reasons why they got muddy - in memory of loved ones, for future research and also for some good old laughs with some brilliant colleagues. If you would like to support them, click here to make your donation.
Visionaries and Innovators Classes have been learning about the human body this term. The pupils have been learning about the importance of health and exploring the importance of keeping the heart healthy.

This October, the classes are joining forces and along with Britain to fundraise for the British Heart Foundation by committing to complete a long walk every day for a week. How inspiring are they?
Well done everyone!