Exclusive tour of Cathedral
Recently, pupils and staff from Bridgeway School visited Blackburn Cathedral as part of their PSHE studies on multi-faiths, this term focusing on Christianity.
They were given a guided tour of the cathedral, where they took time to enjoy the intricacy of the architecture and stained glass windows. As part of their learning, they designed stained glass windows, taking inspiration from the windows and also got an opportunity to explore many areas and features of the place of worship by choosing a photograph and then identifying and finding its location.
To round up their day of activities, they dressed in a Bishop's robe while learning more about the role and their faith. Throughout the day, pupils were engaged and eager to ask questions, reinforcing their learning of this subject.
The trip was a huge success, and on returning to school, they enjoyed completing a task where they wrote about their experiences and drew pictures of their favourite part of the trip.
Great work, everyone!

Pupils enjoy a trip to Blackburn Cathedral