Bridgeway School Blog 21: Constructing great careers now
This term, the staff team from Bridgeway School have adapted their plans to ensure pupils were given the opportunity to explore career options in school. They did this through an online talk from a construction expert and resources from the James Dyson Foundation to promote roles in engineering.
Teacher, Laurence Harwood has taken the time to explain the sessions.
"The pupils who were interested in construction researched the company with whom our guest speaker worked for and discussed with him various areas of the industry that they were interested in. The online talk was a great success and gave an insight into pay and conditions, job roles, and career progression, amongst many other things. It also gave a first-hand experience of what it is like to work in the construction industry, the benefits, and the drawbacks."
"The Dyson Engineering Box is aimed at motivating the next generation of young engineers to enter the engineering workforce. The foundation achieves this by sending a module of work where pupils can virtually meet the Dyson engineers, find out more about their job roles and how they became interested in the field of engineering. The box also contained a variety of Dyson electrical products to help us understand how the design and engineering process works in real life. Taking apart vacuum cleaners and air fans to see the inner workings certainly was an entertaining and informative experience for all and quite impressively, the pupils reassembled the products correctly."
He concluded by commenting:
"Events such as these and our aspirational trips to local colleges and universities expose our pupils to the opportunities available to them. As a team, we hope that all of our pupils reach for the stars and ultimately have the best careers and life opportunities available to them."

Pupils reassemble items from the Dyson Engineering Box