Bridgeway School Blog 2: Election results are in
The team of bloggers from Bridgeway School work together to seek out news stories worth knowing. This week, they have news on the newly elected Student Council.
The Student Council at Bridgeway School play an important part in giving the pupils a voice about how our school is run, and often they come up with good suggestions for events and improvements. The Bridgeway School Council is now firmly up and running for this year. They were voted in by their peers and are already making really useful suggestions on how the school can improve the experience for everyone.
Each form group has a representative and at the start of the process, individuals expressed their interest and presented a short manifesto to their peers who then voted for the candidate who they thought would represent the form and school the best.
Improving the school experience
Before each meeting, the form council member hosts a discussion with their form groups about the items they want to be brought forward at the meeting. The first meeting consisted of candidates sharing their likes and possible improvements around the school. The main areas discussed were timetabling of lessons and different ways of rewarding positive behaviour. Due to the discussions which took place at the meeting and in consultation with senior members of staff, the enrichment rewards offered on a Friday afternoon are now more individualised and diversified. The Student Council members hope that by making the activities more personalised, behaviour around school and in lessons will continue to be consistently good as pupils strive to earn their points.
The second meeting took place after half-term. In the meeting, the pupils discussed different campaigns including anti-bullying and remembrance celebrations. They also spoke about wanting new games for the various consoles used at break and lunches, which have already been purchased and enjoyed by the whole school community.
We wonder whether the next Prime Minister is in their midst.