Staying safe online
Pupils from Ashbrooke School recently took part in a Safer Internet Day, where they explored this year’s themes ‘Want to talk about it?’ and ‘Making space for conversations about life online.’
This global campaign aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns by promoting the safe and responsible use of technology.
During assembly, they spent time discussing the pros and cons of life online and who they could turn to if they need advice and support. They continued the conversation in the classroom by exploring resources provided by the UK Safer Internet Centre, including, 'The Alpha Net', 'Where on the line' and 'The healing power of help.'
Year 6 Teacher Claire Muncaster commented:
"We looked at various online issues and ranked them from those that pose the highest to lowest risk for children and young people, their age and from those that have the most confidence in handling a situation to those that have the least confidence in handling a situation. We then discussed how we could deal with these issues."
One pupil commented:
"The internet gives us lots of information and can be fun, but it can also be dangerous. It's important that we recognise the bad things and know how to keep ourselves and friends safe."
The day was a great success.

Pupils explore Safer Internet Day