Amozon's virtual tour
ICT and Computer Science Classes at Bridgeway School were given a virtual tour of an Amazon fulfilment centre. Focussing on the technology and engineering, they were given a behind the scene look at the process, from the moment you click to purchase on their website to the goods being delivered to your door.
Aspiring, science and engineering pupils from Bridgeway School recently were presented with a hosted virtual tour of Amazon’s fulfilment centre as they focused on the technology and engineering behind the process from when you click purchase on their website.
Teacher, Laurence Harwood shares details of the virtual tour:
The tour of the centres has been eagerly anticipated and since still not being allowed to visit in person, due to COVID safety, our school elected to take Amazon’s offer of a live streamed tour. This was hosted by very knowledgeable and friendly staff who work in the different departments around the country. The pupils also virtually met and heard about the careers of three engineers who enabled the process of fulfilling an order come to life in a technological advanced way. Our pupils found it fascinating seeing how the whole process worked and being aware of the brand, they also found it very relevant and interesting.
The different stages they learnt about were:
- How the algorithm embedded in the ordering system chooses the best location to ship your goods from based on distance to the delivery address and availability of your chosen stock.
- How the Amazon robots find and pick the required goods to ship. Did you know there is no organised storage system but each shelf is electronically coded so the robots know what is on each one and can find them with ease!
- How the packer is provided with the best possible box for the goods, which will protect them but still be as environmentally friendly as possible.
- How quality control is performed, checking the contents of packages is correct by using x-rays to check the correct item has been packed and that it is secure for shipping.
- The different delivery methods used including traditional fuel vehicles, electric vehicles and drones.
Laurence concluded:
The technology involved in the whole process was flabbergasting and we are looking forward to visiting one of the centres in person to see it in action when face to face tours resume.
Impressive stuff!

Pupils receive a virtual tour of Amazon’s fulfilment centre.